I am delighted that you are interested in me and my work. Great to have you here!
It is something close to my heart to create a space in which people can feel creative and free to develop their own potential. I would like to support you in understanding your own strength and wisdom, because the best expert for you is, and will always be, yourself!
From an early age, we are exposed to many external opinions and evaluations, and we internalize them automatically during our life. We all need a non-judgmental space in which we can just “be bonkers”, show ourselves creatively and spiritually, or simply look at and ourselves from a different perspective. Unfortunately, the opportunity to do so is all too rare. Therefore, I would like to offer you such a space - full of possibilities and with competent and connected support.
I myself have been at home in artistic expression (singing, dancing, acting, writing) since my early childhood, and it is a great pleasure for me to combine my two areas of expertise in theatre studies and psychology, alongside the methods I use to look at the world. I am excited to support creatives looking to express themselves authentically, and so I warmly welcome all people who like to think “outside the box” and are looking for a non-judgmental space to grow. It is the greatest pleasure for me to inspire and be inspired by real connections.
I'm looking forward to meeting you!